microphone we are using is the Dynamic microphone, this microphone is an
acoustic-to-electric transducer that will convert sound into an electrical
Therefore,when we speak, It induces the current to the op amp,then
the op amp will amplify the voltage large enough to turn on the transistor. The
transistor acts like a switch, so once it's turned
on by the amplified voltage, the entire circuit would then become a complete
on by the amplified voltage, the entire circuit would then become a complete
that,the current from the 3V power supply wouldthen flow through from collector
to emitter and then the laser pointer would bepowered.
However, the intensity of the laser beam would change based on the loudness, or the amplitude of the sound produced. Italso means when you speak louder, the intensity of the laser beam should
be larger, and when you speak quieter, the intensity of the laser beam shouldbe smaller
However, the intensity of the laser beam would change based on the loudness, or the amplitude of the sound produced. Italso means when you speak louder, the intensity of the laser beam should
be larger, and when you speak quieter, the intensity of the laser beam shouldbe smaller
Therefore, different amount of energy would then be transmitted
by the laser pointer to the solar panel.When the laser beam reaches the solar
panel,which is a semiconductor,the solar panel would absorb the energy,and the
energywould knock off and free the electron on the solar cells
Those freed electrons would then flow andfinally become the current which input the signal to the speaker and allows itto convert the light signal back to the sound signal
Those freed electrons would then flow andfinally become the current which input the signal to the speaker and allows itto convert the light signal back to the sound signal
The Circuit Diagram
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